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Friday, October 03, 2008

I think the 700B Bail-out Plan will not work, it will only prolong agony.

It has not been designed to work. It has been designed by the oldest ruling families from Europe to take over Americas wealth. Just a great cover up Job the 700B package.

Gives them more money from the peoples accumulated wealth, and end up with the bits and pieces, like become the owners of the properties etc, just a great implementation by Mr. Greenspan who certainly made remarkable steps to prepare all those happening that was well planned and did not just came out of nothing.

The biggest European and Asia Banks are behind it, and it is easy to Finger point and say 'America Do Something'. But the truth is that the USA Banking system is like an open Casino playground for the true rulers of wealth in the world. Those Families have done that before to entire continents, and they can do it anywhere they like it, regardless how good you believe you know the financial markets.

If this 700B plan is approved, just be assured that this is not a Bail-out, rather a Buy-out of American owned wealth.

The smartest way is to reject it, do not allow foreign controlled institutions like the Federal Reserve to take action for this next great pie of wealth. But that most likely will not happen. The real understanding of the why and how that was happened did not seem to bother many at all. Yes people will get hurt and will loose wealth. But how did they got hold of it to start?

The last great recession went on for 10 years and took a few years to emerge to its true disaster. How come, because by that time again the government stepped in too. The consequences have been shown in TODAY'S dates reality in Wall Street. And by that time in the past we had a destroyed American banking system that only became a valid playground for the Families to do what they have not been allowed in Europe to do anymore, using their influence to prepare for the NEW American Banking Rules. A perfect scenario for speculation and consequential failures that will only be visible 2-3 generation after the actually installments of those banking ground rules laid out to the American public over 70 years ago.

Paying 700B in Tax Payers money for a purpose to lend more money to the Capital System. How can they be short of cash in the first place? All was so rosy not so long ago? Simple! A Men made and programmed financial disaster like we see now. This current monetary system has been create based upon Debt. As more as better. How come that we suddenly can not work under those conditions anymore? We did since the late 30's. Comon we have to wake up as financial trader or lenders, brokers etc. And I offer a solution to do this, with just a simple signature, that would revolutionize the Markets, and no need to loose 3000 USD on value of each US Citizen.

Actually my Monetary Formula of 1 x 14 x 30, is for to simple that most of the Financial expert would even look into it.
A 1 x 14 x 30 is a Monetary Formula named the FUTURO-Plan which will make all the difference. For those of you interested check it out at the same site name as the Monetary Formula.

Be assured that I know what I am talking about, since I have been in Prime Bank trading for many years.
12 Years ago I decided to leave it and rejected to be a continuous part of this Casino behaviors, since I could not represent it anymore with my own name looking into the upcoming results for the future. Money is not all that counts I told my friends, and wealth needs to be made based up the real assets a country has. Those real assets are our Children, who are the future and therefore the true future for a Country.

The FUTURO-Plan allows EACH NEWBORN CHILD that comes into this world to benefit from interest generated by ALREADY EXISTING government backed GUARANTEES! Our economic value for each country is based on a given countries 'gross domestic product or (GDP), these values are determined by production, exports, etc.

Now imagine a scenario where the ACTUAL CHILDREN, the only TRUE FUTURE for a Nation, becomes its principle financial asset? Could it be done?

The answer is YES!

Regardless of the GDP value of any Nation, The FUTURO-Plan provides a SOLID and SIMPLE Mathematical Formula for a WORLD PEACE SOLUTION by providing a 30 YEAR Country specific plan, in which FAMILIES and CHILDREN receive EVERYTHING NEEDED to ensure Education, Recreation, Food, Actual Spending Money, Medical Care and More!

I am dedicating my time to set exactly this up for Africa and for the demanding need to pay-back to this specific continent what we have taken from them for centuries. To make Africa benefit FIRST from a plan that in the final outcome will make the rich - richer and the poor also rich. It creates money in Abundance and all this with a simple signature of a few people with political cloud or financial power. Everything is in place and you are invited to keep a good eye on it. Since there is nobody that will stop that new Monetary Formulation in the future financial markets. A Simple Spreadsheet explanation is available on the website. Download it and please feel free to copy it, you will be amazed about it's impact.

Here a small example for simplicity!

1 = (USD, EUR, YEN anything or Apples or anything that is countable)
14 = Guaranteed monthly payout to Newborn, Pension plans etc etc
30 = for 30 Years, AAA Backed up guarantees like a Government Bond.
Results into
420 = (USD, EUR, YEN anything or Apples or anything that is countable)
4% = interest rate a year
420 * 4% = 16.8 x 30 Years = 504 (USD, EUR, YEN anything or Apples or anything that is countable)

84 (USD, EUR, YEN anything or Apples or anything that is countable) profit on each NEW BORN, But best the principal amount never leaves the Lenders Hands, meaning that money is only guaranteed and that banks can have the allocate money under their control for 30 years, they can lend upon and Countries will steadily grow out of recession within weeks.

Applicable even for the USA and any other country. Just that I doubt that simplicity will be recognized by most people. It would strangle their firm believes of the complication within the financial world to be able to handle it.

All it takes is a solid foundation that does not depend on any World Bank or something like to to be implemented. Any country can do it by their own strength.

Take care and I look forward to whatever outcome that 700B will have. It will not effect anything we do, since we are already not depending on credits anymore for a long time. We actually provide many B of asset to the banks by those that most people never even get close too in a life time.

History has proven that money mean nothing.

have a great day

Dr. Michael

P.D. Did I challenged your knowledge with simple maths? Hope not.

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